Price list

Why Sponsor?
Be confident you are reaching the key influencers in your local community with your marketing message.
Increase awareness of your company as a catalyst for growth by aligning your brand with our all-star speakers and local Live2Lead leaders
Establish your presence in the local leadership community as an organization that supports learning and enriching experiences such as Live2Lead.
Sponsorship Package Elements
Event tickets, reserved and/or premium seating for higher priced sponsorships
Access to sponsor only pricing and additional tickets
Inclusion of approved brochures/collateral marketing materials/giveaways at event
Logo on website
Logo on promotional materials (flyers, posters, banners, etc)
Mention from local stage 3 times during event
Sponsorship Packages
Gold Sponsorship
8 reserved, event tickets at preferred table placement
Unlimited additional tickets at early-bird pricing
Logo on website, banner and flyers on tables during event
Sponsorship announced during day of event and reflected in all promotional material
Marketing table at event
Silver Sponsorship
4 reserved, event tickets at preferred table placement
Logo on website, flyers on tables during event
Sponsorship announced during day of event
2 event tickets
Logo on website and flyers on tables during the event and reflected in all promotional material
Sponsorship announced three times during day of event